228 North Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT 05401


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This Sports Chat Room has been created for the millions of people world-wide who spend a great deal of their leisure time going to live sporting events, joining fellow sports fans at the corner bar or pub to watch a game, or sitting in front of the television watching sports on a Sunday afternoon. This Sports Chat Room is here to cover all sports from around the world, including but not limited to: American football; baseball; football (soccer); hockey; rugby; golf; softball; basketball; swimming; track and field; bowling; volleyball; wrestling; body building and lacrosse, to name but a few. All sports fans are welcome to join this Sports Chat Room regardless of which sport they want to talk about, or what gender they are.

Sports Chat Room

Although discussions involving sports can become very intense, Health & Help Chat asks that you remember to act maturely and respectfully to all who enter. Health & Help Chat is a network for adults; we only ask that you act like one while utilizing our free service.

Welcome and enjoy your time in this Sports Chat Room. We ask that you read the chat room rules before entering, particularly regarding the self-moderation rule and the Ignore feature. We ask that you report any content that you find needs to be brought to our attention as well. Finally, please utilize this room only for conversation regarding sports. If you feel the desire to talk about your health issue, you are encouraged to join the chat room, forum or social network specific to your ailment. It is there that you will find the support you need from a community that can empathize with you. Please Click Here to browse a list of all chat rooms.

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